Hiring a leadership skills trainer or coach can be a tough decision. On top of that, you’re super busy. So, let me help move this important hiring decision off your “To Do List.”

So why hire Victor Gray?
The number one question the Sponsor asks when hiring a coach or trainer is “Has the person done the thing before that I’m hiring them for? And Coachees wonder, “Is he the right fit for me?” Victor has what you need in an experienced coach or trainer:
- Experienced Trainer and Coach. Victor Gray has conducted over 200 coaching sessions and over 2,000 training programs for more than 750 organizations nationwide.
- Award Winning Leader. Victor has served as the director of training at a leading training organization, manager of organizational development, and manager at school of higher education.
- Certification by an ICF accredited coach training program, and he adheres to ICF ethical standards and coaching practices.
- Education. Victor has a Master’s Degree in education, a Bachelor’s Degree with honors from a Big 10 University and an Associate’s Degree in business.
- Organizational Development Consultant to the U.S. Department of Education, WI Department of Public Instruction, and numerous organizations.
Victor has presented 1,000 speeches and workshops for 30,000 participants at 750 companies nationwide…addressing the fear of change